Monday 18 June 2012

Not long now until Microsoft's announcement

So, the location is now known in LA (Milk Studios).  We just need to know the announcements to be made. There are plenty of rumours doing the round one of which is a Windows 8 Based Tablet with the newly announced SmartGlass technology.

Today's event almost certainly includes some sort of tablet device whether it's an iPad compete, a glorified e-reader, a sub-$500 device or something else entirely different.  It's fairly safe to assume that whatever device it is will be running some version of Windows 8, likely Windows RT.  Still, it also seems likely that the implementation will be different than the plans for third-party licensing partners.  Smartglass certainly would be a big announcement on a tablet device.

This is why many expect Microsoft to announce an Xbox SmartGlass enabled tablet, designed to interface seamlessly with the Xbox 360 as well as other Windows 8 devices.  A tablet designed to integrate seamlessly with Xbox Live. It would look similar to the iPad, but connect seamlessly to the new Xbox Music and access video from various Xbox Entertainment apps.  If you combine that with web browsing and web chat that becomes a very interesting consumption device to enter into the market.
And it might just look like this:

Anyway only a couple of hours to wait and see what Microsoft has up its sleeve!

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