Sunday 20 November 2011

Remote Working–It’s a changing landscape.

Remote working has always been on the agenda of many since the advent of laptops, getting access to corporate data was always a challenge and bind that with HR, Security and results based management you always had issues in aiding this move despite the obvious well documented evidence that it works!

The remote workforce has grown quickly over the past decade, but the economic issues have had an impact.  The U.S. teleworking population in 2010 was estimated at 26.2 million — nearly 20% of the U.S. adult working population.

Remote working is one aspect of workplace flexibility. Employers are finding that telework and other flexible work arrangements are effective tools in attracting younger employees who appreciate greater flexibility and to recruit remote workers from a wider talent pool.

Ten years ago, people might have been surprised if you told them you worked from home. Today they’re more likely to be surprised if you don’t have some kind of flexible working arrangement that means you can. 

As remote working becomes more the norm, the number of people who enjoy the ability to work from home occasionally has also increased. This may be on a formal basis in which the employee can work from home a set number of days a week basis, on an ad hoc basis when there’s a childcare issue or a practical need to be at home, or on a crisis basis.

Equanet over the last 6-8 weeks have seen a large number of client engagements for remote working due to Business Continuity to protect their productivity and employees from harsh winters and recent medical pandemic.  Getting employees used to working from home can benefit a company should disaster strike. 

Most modern companies have relaxed into accepting remote workers and trusting them to be productive.  The image of the remote workers having daytime TV on in the background is no longer upheld by many, perhaps because as more people experience remote working themselves they see the benefits (no commute, a distraction-free environment, less office politics to name but a few).

With the emergence of tablet technology, faster mobile networks and better security the ability to keep in touch and work when away from the office has become a policy issue.  If you need help in developing your remote working strategy or implement the right technology you should really contact us to find out how we can get a faster time to value for you.

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