Thursday 29 September 2011

Consumerisation - are you adopting it?

We have all heard of the trend consumerisation it has been around for many years and will continue to be around for a good few more. Here at Equanet we are having many conversations per day around this topic, MDM and BYOC.

Sadly, there are many companies out there who are closing the door on this opportunity rather than embracing it. Consumerisation does require a strategic approach with flexible policies and adequate security to ensure good experience. And let's face it consumers always win!

In our experience the majority of reasons for not adopting consumerisation is a lack of understanding and largely a lack of trust that your employees will be on Facebook rather than working. We think that you should put some effort into researching this trend and understand the value it can bring to your business. If you can't find an opportunity at least you can say that you have tried, but we are pretty confident that you will find pockets of opportunity within your business today to adopt it.

It is fundamental to have a plan, that plan should be strategic rather than tactical and should span the entire length and breadth of the business. A formal working party should be created that includes all stakeholders in the business and make sure you include HR; it has a big impact on their policies typically.

In our experience it is a great opportunity to cast the net out to the entire business and get some feedback on the perception of the IT service. This, when coupled with what your users would like to receive should highlight a big disconnect but also expect some fantastic internal PR. When was the last time you asked your users what they wanted from IT instead of dictate it?

One you understand the areas of the business to benefit from consumerisation you will need to assess your policies and get them up to date to match the new world of working.

In parallel to this IT need to ensure that the infrastructure is fit for purpose and can provide the best level of service to your users; but ensure that the service doesn't compromise data integrity.

You need to ensure that you have the appropriate tools in place to manage the devices that are attaching to your network through MDM technologies. You will need to ensure your applications can be accessed, there is no point in supporting tablets in the enterprise if you cannot connect to business systems. You will need to consider the cost of application redevelopment into an enterprise application store which would be native to the device, or look to integrate application virtualisation technologies (eg Citrix, Microsoft or VMware) to bring windows based applications to the device ensuring a faster time to value.

The benefits of consumerisation are clear from a high level you now need to understand how they benefit you as a business. Equanet are uniquely placed to help you address consumerisation through leveraging our consultants knowledge in developing your strategy. Once we understand your strategy we can help you realise it through our design, funding, implementation and support services.

Remember consumers normally win!

Location:In the air

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