Friday 22 July 2011

I’m over here!


OK for those of you who used to follow me, you may be wondering where I have been of late. Well its been an interesting few months, culminating in me taking a position at Equanet to help drive the solutions capability into the market place.

One of the key elements to drive is the positioning of Equanet’s cloud and vdi offering (amongst many others).  And for those of you wondering what we can offer you – all I can say is keep watching this blog, these tweets and this website.  All will become clear and it will be big and innovative and delivered by a fantastic pool of consultants covering the length and breadth of the IT space from advisory engagement through to delivery and support.

As ever, anything that you read on this blog can be delivered from our consulting team and we aim to be thought provoking and informative.  If you have any questions or indeed want to contact me please email me on


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